My scanner gave up. Dont know for how long but he doesnt seem to be happy with the number of films waiting aside to be scanned. As*hole! Sooo, no long entry as promised. Just some negscans I found from July, the month when I worked my ass off to actually let my amazing scanner ignore me now. Very nice!
We(plural majestaticus) start with few shots from a party. Well, the way home from a party. We worked sooo hard that month each one of you can imagine how we ended up that night. What worse, Marta brought me a present from Netherlands and I took it with me. O Oh.
The-guy-who-I-travelled-with rapping some shit to another friend who was one of the crazy group. I wonder how many people we woke up that night. The shot actually feels like they are enjoying some licking game and he is about to stick his finger...whatever. lol.
This made me laugh for some time... The real sportsmanship!
One day when I brought the camera with me again, there was this wasted guy at my bar. Nothing unusual, Im just happy I once caught how mostly British or Irish guys end up in that place. See his story...
This is my favorite floor in the club I worked at. The cubical shapes are lights. They are on both sides of the room and the DJ controls them. There are different colors and different light programs. All along are great comfi sofas and it just looks right. You might know this one already though...taken before the club closed. My fav.
I went home earlier one day and it started to rain. I felt like she must have when they shot it. Nobody gave me any towel after the camera snapped though!
Thats it. I hope my scanner will forgive me for whatever I have done.
21 is a good age! Well, it was good for me, hope it's gonna be good for you too!
Nice entry, pheela! Made me smile!
Hey Dude,
U brought back to my memory a lot when i had a look at these pics...Had to laught!Well, da party was great u know almost just u, me, francescu and da present-->too much as usual!
I had worked much harder when we were in da train so I could have a rest! U know how u tried to beat me in our small bartender competition ... Let me think about it,ehm? Did u kick my ass or was it me? Swueteees bro !!! Anyway u know i love ya and sambuca's w8ing 4 us!!!
Good job buddy !
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