Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Long time no see (who comes here anyway...?). Shot Gruzo this Saturday. A producer with bright future. Check GRUZO out at his myspace. Experimental downtempo/hip hop boy...
Shot a supa dupa cover band as well...
That's almost it... photographically. Need to get my photos together and create a web portfolio sou YOU can all contact me and I can SHOOOOT you in your heads!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Going through my archive
Monday, July 7, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Mostly Brno
pHee is back with a blog entry! HELLO! Had some motivation to give my scanner another chance. It did not fail, neither it satisfied my needs. The tones are like puke. Or is it my development that makes it look like ISO800? Anycrap (how I love this word, thanks Pam), 2 films developed and scanned...
First one was half empty, ehm, pHeePRO... There were two shots from Austria- some hardcore snowboarding times, I tell you...
My and my best friend Cuga. I love the fact that OM4 has a timer. Cam on the floor...
This is a shot of a water slide in there. Amazing stuff. It was brand new with flash lights inside, milky way part, disco lights, projection. I got scared as hell... One part was also transparent... This is my fav photo recently, for many possible interpretations (if you can reach beyond rational thinking). A factory that produces human bodies, sends them using these tubes to the completion part of the process. Here goes a pair of fatty legs...
Back to Prague. Boarded a tram and immediately grabbed my camera. Wish I had a color film loaded. Purely purple sports outfit with golden shoes and lots of jewelery. I was like- she can not be for real! For such an outfit you really need loads of self-confidence. She did have it, she was American...
Had a dinner with Marta later that week. Went to a cozy restaurant to eat the czech version of the swiss Raclette (the cheese was not the right raclette cheese. other than that, pretty good meal). Delicious stuff, nice talk.
Moving on to a party I attended right after I got back from Austria. Wait, was it? I think so. Anycrap nr.2, It was a "potato pancake party" (czech equivalent "BRAMBORAKOVA PARTY")...Lots of potatoes to be peeled.
It was actually a bday party of Vanda and Karin...
Moving on to the film number TWO. Brno again, this time no pancake party... Just a movie theatre, dinner, breakfest, dinner, lunch, breakfest, dinner... and a barber:) Took shitload of pictures there but the interior sucked, so it pretty screwed up the pics... Vanda only shortened it...
You could not tell the difference...
I liked the streetart up there and asked Vanda to make some funny pose in front. Ehm, this is how she ended up. I like the way she posed, hehe, but it just doesnt go with the background. And then the guy, shit. My experience confirmed though: NEVER ASK A GIRL FOR A FUNNY POSE, just shoot her!
Thus I wanted a pic of myself in front of that concrete wall as well. Funny to pass an analog camera to someone else these days. "You have to focus with that ring on the lense- that is the thing sticking out in front!"
Vanda did a prety good job though! The finger makes it look amateurish. I like!
I got a guided tour through the FF Faculty of MUNI, Brno. "And this is the room of Professor SOVA, an asshole. And here Professor Markova, a bitch..."
This is my favorite part of the FF Faculty. The coffee place KRMITKO. Very "FF look", indeed. This CROP looks nice...
Hehe, I love the strength of the bear. I mean it makes it look sooo EMO and totally ruins the atmo...
Vanda not knowing I was taking the pics. The only chance to snap "her TRUE her"
The other day on our way to the city. In this moment we did not know how badly the number 51 would treat us. A nightmare. Mind the note on the wall.
It is always fun with me...Oh yeah!
"No, Im not takin a pic of you, just the old man out there..." "Sure, sure..."
While waiting on the lights I aimed at this lady and waited for her to pose. She did. Snap. Va smiled.
One of the greatest home cooked dinners I have had. The Cook...
...and the meal... (I could be shooting for cookbooks! lol)
Wish you all the best for upcoming weeks. Cant promise when my next entry comes- there are four rolls waiting to be developed. But I will be busy in the following days... Peace out!
Oh, all shot on Kodak TX, at 400ISO, developed in old XTOL, 18 degrees, 9:30, agitation every 30 secs...scanned on Canon ScanLide 600F (SUCKS!)
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I am not dead, not yet
I am not dead, actually very far from being any close to it (this sentence cracks me up, very philosophical, for Va, indeed) . I just have not been very active photographically and I am getting pretty sad about it. Does it mean my life has become less interesting? Does it mean I suffer lack of inspiration? Does it mean I am becoming a boring person? WHat does it mean? I scanned some old negs, gave my scanner another chance...useless...it gave up on me again, bastard. I managed to scan some but guess what- the resolution was set too low so they look like crap. The last ones don't so I attached some that made me happy. I hope life has been treating you well. I can not complain actually, just the photography, JUST...
This makes me smile. I would call it "HITCH HIKING IN BULGARIA". If there is a nice car you are damn keen to stop it... Though, most of the times you just keep walking. Either it is a carriage pulled by horses or an old LADA, DACIA, MOSKVITCH,...
Then there is the cute one... Old Romanian guy sincerely in love with young aussi lady, writing down his address for her to send him pictures and a letter...
...all that happening on a nice sunny day between the amazing Maramures fields...
randomness I like
Recently I have realized that I got pretty old. When I try to speak to young kids they do not trust me. They turn around, run to their parents, teachers... which is on one hand good but on the other pretty sad. But it is the world we live in...